
Sunday, 14 October 2012

Universal Theme Patcher for Windows(Patch Your Windows System Files To Use A Custom Theme)

The best and safe way in  applying a custom theme in Windows is to use Universal Theme Patcher. It will patch your system files in windows so that you can use a 3rd party or custom theme.
Universal Theme Patcher for Windows

Patch uxtheme, free your Windows supports 3rd party desktop msstyle themes.
It is a universal theme patcher. Without language limited, Supports all language of windows!
1. Can operate in normal mode. Do not need to enter safe mode.
2. Choose the corresponding patcher based on you Windows:
For 32bit(x86):   UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe
For 64bit(amd64): UniversalThemePatcher-x64.exe
3. Require administrator rights. Right-click the exe file, select Run as Administrator.
4. XP/2003 only need to patch one file: uxtheme.dll
2008/Vista/Windows 7 6519 need to patch 3 files: uxtheme.dll, themeui.dll, shsvcs.dll
Windows 7 6801 need to patch 3 files: uxtheme.dll, themeui.dll, themeservice.dll
Sometimes, in x64 Windows, you need to patch 2 copies of files:
using UniversalThemePatcher-x64.exe to patch the 64bit files in \windows\system32;
and using UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe to patch the 32bit files in \windows\syswow64.
5. After patch, Restart computer to take effect.

If you use a 3rd party or custom themes in your Windows7, Vista or XP as your default theme in your everyday use. We highly recommend to use Universal Theme Patcher as this is the most stable way in patching system files, not like our previous post about UXstyle that is not stable and a bit buggy.

Download Download Universal Theme Patcher for Windows (32bit/64bit)



  2. Universal Theme Patcher For Windows(Patch Your Windows System Files To Use A Custom Theme) - The Info Guy >>>>> Download Now

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    Universal Theme Patcher For Windows(Patch Your Windows System Files To Use A Custom Theme) - The Info Guy >>>>> Download LINK

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