
Saturday, 12 May 2012

How To Retrive 2GO Password For Free

How to get your lost 2g0 password for free without paying a dime
This works for Nigerians, but you can try it in your country.

+ Visit 
+ Select country Kenya
+ Click on Download 2go/ Help
+ I forgot my Password
+ Now enter your Phone number with country code without the '+'
sign (e.g 234806xxxxxx)
+ Hit ok and Now your 2go password will be sent to you via SMS.

Friday, 4 May 2012

How To Install & Play Ngage Games On S60 Devices

I will be showing you how to play N-gage 2.0 games on your s60v3 phone, though this method has been tested by me on E5,E71,E63,N95 & E72..

NOTE : Your phone MUST be hacked to do this. If its not hacked, click here 

STEPS 1. Install 'n-gage application.sis' to your MEMORY
(This will take a while - It will install alot of Stuff.
Just let them install.

2. When ALL installations are done, install 'ngage

3. Copy the text file named '20001079.txt' to C:/
Private/10202be9 folder. (if not present, create

4. Now Copy the Resident Evil game from "Test
Game' Folder to E:/n-gage/ (if not present, create

5. Now open N-gage Application and wait a moment
for the game to be detected 6. When its done, it will show the game, now select
the game,
and scroll down to select memory card for it to
now wait... It will take a while. Just be patient. When done, you will get an 'Installation Complete'
prompt. NOW, Press Start Game and ENJOY!!!

NOTE : Always remember to disable all PATCHES in
ROMPatcher+ before running any
N-gage game. Unless game might not start
properly or might not start at all! Also remember to re-enable the patches after
playing your N-gage games.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

How To Change Windows 7 Boot/Logon Screen

Have you ever considered changing the logon screen of your windows seven laptop or desktop? Yeah i did consider it some time ago thats why i had to do some good researches which led to what i'm gonna show you here.

You can change this with a photo in your hard disk drive, I changed mine to mac osX logon screen despite the fact that i was running windows 7, you can also add a text to it so when you log on you see the text like password reminder,
Well i actually wrote a motivational text on mine.

1.Install Thoosje Logon Editor
2.Click on Backup: This function creates a restore point for your system incase something goes wrong so you can always do a sytem restore and end up with your former setup
3.After the backup Clickon browse to to search for the picture you want to set as your logon screen..
4.After Locating and opening it, On the Thoosje Logon Editor Gui Click on change background.
That's all Done
To check and see Press Ctrl + Alt + Del
Download Thoosje Logon Editor Here


How To Reduce Wait Time After XP boots(Faster Boot)

A common performance problem with Windows XP is ’start lag,’ in which the operating system boots up normally, the desktop is visible and usable, but programs will not start, and selecting icons and using the start menu are extremely slow. This can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes to clear up, and can make using the operating system extremely frustrating, especially if you are in a hurry after the reboot.This delay is generally caused by Windows XP’s networking services looking for other computers and advertising their functions over the computer’s network connections.

If this problem is driving you nuts, there is a way to reduce or eliminate the delay, though if you are attached to a home network, it will reduce your computer’s functionality on that network.

If your computer is not attached to a home network:
Right click on ‘my computer’ and select ‘manage.’ xpand ’services and applications’ and select ’services’ to open the services window.
Highlight the ‘workstation’ service, right click and select ‘properties.’ Set the ’startup type’ dropdown box to ‘disabled.’ Click ‘ok.’

Note that you will need to re-enable the workstation service should you wish to network your PC in the future.

If your computer is part of a home network:

Go to ’start\control panel\network and internet connections\network connections.’
Right click your current network connection (should be ‘local area connection’ unless you have more than one network adaptor) and select ‘properties.’ Uncheck the ‘File and Print Sharing’ box and press ‘ok.’

Note that this will disable your computer’s ability to share files and printers over the network, though it should not affect your ability to access such resources on another system.


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Microsoft Office is now available for Symbian!

The long time promise by Nokia is today fulfilled. Resulting from the partnership of Nokia with Microsoft, Microsoft Office is now available for Symbian^3 (Nokia Belle) phones: Nokia 701, Nokia 700, Nokia 603, Nokia E7, Nokia X7, Nokia C7, Nokia Oro, and Nokia C6-01.

Lucky owners of the devices mentioned above can download Microsoft Office for their mobiles that include Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

You can get Microsoft Office via software update, being Office Mobile available at the Nokia store in a few weeks. We alert you that this update will go to your C: drive, so if you don’t have much space there, you might have this info in consideration.

For more information, you can check the original article at the Nokia Conversations site.